Product Overview:
Love the look of your exterior home shutters again by improving their appearance and function with a pair of Rat Tail exterior shutter holdbacks. This unique shutter hardware is designed to seal and secure your shutters during inclement weather, allowing them to add protection for your windows from wind and flying debris during a summer storm or ice. Their composition is entirely 304 series forged stainless steel, which is naturally sturdy and inherently weather resistant. It is then textured lightly with a matte black powder-coated finish for resistance to damages that accompany constant weather exposure, such as rust and corrosion. In addition, the powder coating also makes them less likely to fade, allowing them to not only hold up in terms of physical integrity and utility, but also in terms of style and visual appeal. Where most shutter holdbacks are for decorative purposes only, ours adds to the aesthetics of your shutter décor, while protecting your windows and ledges from an onslaught of high winds, snow, frost, and down-pouring rain. Add to a wide assortment of our board and batten and other shutters, and combined for additional matching hardware for maximum effectiveness.